Primary/secondary Education - Hanover, New Hampshire, United States
Swiss Semester was founded in 1986 as an experiential learning opportunity for highly motivated students during their first semester of their sophomore years—about 50 students from different schools come together in Zermatt, Switzerland, to enjoy unique opportunities for personal and academic growth. The sophomore year has been chosen, because it is often the time when a different setting and routine are most needed and can be most beneficial. Swiss Semester has found that highly qualified and responsible sophomores are adaptable and impressionable and can make the most of the many opportunities provided by Swiss Semester. Many of Swiss Semester's most important educational goals concern personal growth and the "empowerment" that results from increased confidence, higher expectations of oneself, the development of a "can do" attitude, and the resulting inclination to "seize the day." To further these ends, Swiss Semester has very high expectations in all areas and provides a variety of challenges and an uncommon level of activity.