Renewables & Environment - Pune, Maharashtra, India
Innovation & Product development for 3E's: Energy, Environment & Ecology.We at Sys3E are working with a vision to "Improve lives, protect the environment and restore ecology with renewable energy Innovation". Our product, SunCaptor is a novel tilted single-axis tracker which lowers the cost of energy and address the problem of diminishing margins of solar PV installers by increasing land utilization, reducing installation time & ensuring minimal O&M. SunCaptor is optimized to give highest power gain with both mono-facial and bi-facial panels at all latitudes. Owing to Sys3E's innovations, SunCaptor is affordable not only at utility scale (MWs) but also at distributed mini grid scale (KWs).#Incubatee @Venture Center #XLR8AP-Cohort3 #GCIP2017#Incubatee @Social Alpha
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