Logistics & Supply Chain - Shenzhen Shi, Guangdong Sheng, China
T-Link Shipping Co., Ltd was founded in 2010, provide chartering services for ocean transportation on break bulk, heavy lift and roro vsl.Focused on:Far East to North africa, MED direction; Far East to S. American and Caribbean directionFar East to Africa direction, Far East to PG direction, etc.Wang Huajun (86-181-2985-6262)T-LINK SHIPPING CO.,LTD.TEL : 86-755-8272-5690, Wechat: 86-136-0309-1901E-MAIL : julian@tlinkshpg.com/ breakbulkwang@163.comSkype : szhuajun80 QQ: 4268909BIZ FOR BREAK BULK, HEAVY LIFT, RORO, PROJECT LOGISTICS