Food & Beverages - Yogyakarta, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
It all humbly started based on the ideas transacted between university exchange students in a kitchen conversational tug of war between Mexican and American ideal what Taco really is all about. The Tacobis epiphany birthed from the concoction of ideas formed off of the variety of tacos from many regions from the different continents, but not Indonesia. Therefore, the student (who eventually became the founder) initially set the goal to simply create Indonesian-Mexican fusion of a taco that will be the standard of Tacobis Original introduced to the Indonesian public.However, for us co-founders, it would not be enough if the world never tasted new great innovative dish from Tacobis, to merely simply pioneer tacos that are specifically designed for Indonesian taste buds. We would like to inspire out fellow youth to innovate and create something meaningful on a social and individual level. Hence, Tacobis was created as the foundation of a digital social media to advocate for that particular purpose. Selling food is just one way for us to say "Hey! You, just like us, can have laughable ideas that can become the addiction that etches the souls of those who dare try our food!". Despite of the being busy university students, we since carried the responsibilities of our quests to fulfill those visions in Jogjakarta, April 2019.