Nonprofit Organization Management - Davis, California, United States
Welcome to the UC Davis Taiwanese Student Association (TSA)! Since we were founded in 1985, our goal has always been to create a home away from home for our many Taiwanese students and a safe and welcoming space for anyone interested in Taiwanese culture. With our laid-back vibes, competitive spirit, and our delicious food, we aim to infuse all of our activities with that unique Taiwanese flavor and friendliness our little island is known for, be it our dances, night markets, or annual ski trip. We hope that through our activities, we will not only be able to cultivate a family-like atmosphere where students from all around the globe will have an opportunity to come learn about and enjoy Taiwanese culture, but also quell the pangs of homesickness for our Taiwanese students. We hope to see you at one of our meetings!這裡是加州大學戴維斯分校臺灣同學會!從1985至今,TSA不間斷的帶給在戴維斯的台灣人如家一般的歸屬,無論是我們的食物、氣氛、精神,都無限的充滿了只屬於台灣人們的熱情。每年每年,TC都擁有最棒的舞會、最棒的夜市、最溫馨的滑雪之旅,讓大家在太平洋的另外一端也可以享受到最棒的大學生活以及最重要的:最「台」的味道!在TSA裡,喜愛台灣的文化及其他的種種而聚在一起的大家像家人一般嬉鬧中不忘互相尊重、吵架後不忘幫忙彼此、忙碌之餘也不忘噓寒問暖。相信每個人在這個大家庭裡都可以找到熟悉的台灣人情味、解解鄉愁。我們瞭解這份感情凝聚了遠渡太平洋的大家,更鼓勵了無數來自世界各地的大學生來更進一步的認識臺灣的,所以,讓我們一起創造更多美好的回憶吧!