Staffing & Recruiting - , Taipei City, Taiwan
TalentHunt is a leading professional recruitment consultancy specialising in the recruitment of permanent, professional and executive positions. To find a solution that satisfied both parties, our role is to work with employers and talents to facilitate a successful match via our vast network of resources, extensive databases and defined recruitment processes. 傑晟人力資源顧問公司專精於中高階及專業人力獵才服務,透過網羅經驗豐富且擁有共同理想與熱忱的顧問群,專注於企業人力資源顧問相關的服務,配合強大的資料庫與媒合機制,為國內、外企業提供高品質的差異化服務並堅守每個承諾,致使人盡其才、適才適所,務求創造企業、人才、傑晟「三贏」的伙伴關係。傑晟所提供的人才及服務,涵蓋台灣、中國大陸、亞太區及歐美各國,並包含行政管理、業務行銷、研發、財務金融、通路人才、IT等多種領域。