Food Production - , Shang Hai Shi, China
Talented Fine Brads congregates a collective of 6 Chilean awarded-winning wineries that for the first time arrived in China last May, to promote the "new wave" on Chilean wine making. These high-end wines are hand- crafted and produced in limited releases. Each of these winemakers made a life-choice, leaving behind mass scale-production in order to commit to nature and reflect in each vintage the unique character of the terroir, imprinting their own vision and philosophy in each bottle. Talented Fine Brands汇聚了来自六个荣获殊荣的智利酒庄的佳酿。这几款酒是智利 "新浪潮"酿酒技术的代表,并于去年五月首次登陆中国。这几款高端葡萄酒全手工酿造,且限量发售。每一位酿酒师都放弃了工业量产的优厚回报,全心全意用纯手工酿造出源于自然并独具风味的葡萄酒。每一瓶酒都蕴藏着他们对酒的理解和追求。