Information Technology & Services - Modi'in Makabim-Re'ut, Center District, Israel
60% of business data in big enterprise is lost, due to field force reluctance to report. This data, missing from the CRM and other business data stores, is hurting business results causing overall inefficiency.Using TALKSENSE will keep your CRM data accurate and updated, while freeing field forces' to make more of their time – more sales, more customer services tickets completed. Update data to any object of your CRM, just by talking to the app. TALKSENSE processes the data, makes it more accurate and in seconds your meeting / service summary is captured. Think about it – 2 minutes of talking the meeting summary to the phone while walking to your car instead of 30 minutes of typing… It's as simple as that. It's even faster and simpler than reading this pitch!Employees love this perfect tool to captures information through their voice. Unlike any other, not only that the data is added, but it is more accurate through the correction applied by TALKSENSE Cloud Service.It's too easy not to use.Read more : www.talksense.coGet TALKSENSE for Salesforce: to us:
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