Construction - , Auckland Region, New Zealand
Tallwood is a technology company that specialises in the offsite manufacture of buildings. \\Tallwood is changing the way New Zealand goes about building. We produce high quality buildings faster, more cost-effectively and more sustainably than the traditional building process.\\Our role within a construction project is that of a specialist designer and contractor. We design key components of the building structure, envelope and interior then manufacture them in our factory and install them on-site. \\Tallwood is the product of the merging of the businesses of Stanley Modular Limited, a leading offsite manufacturer, and Tall Wood Limited, a digital design and technology start-up, in early 2018. \\One of the key reasons our clients choose to work with Tallwood is that we help de-risk their project. They can hand over a significant part of the job to us, knowing that we'll bring certainty to the process and the outcome. \\There is a better way to build. Change the game with Tallwood.