Investment Management - Tel Aviv-Yafo, Tel Aviv District, Israel
The Tamir Fishman financial group was first established in 1997 and is today one of the major companies in the Israeli capital market.Tamir Fishman is a one of a kind group in the Israeli financial field, primarily due to its unique ability to provide a wide range of financial services and its similarity to investment banks in the US. Our team of financial experts, while maintaining a high level of integrity, strives to create innovative solutions based on comprehensive research which enables our clients to meet their unique investment goals.Among other services, Tamir Fishman offers Portfolios Management, IRA Programs, Mutual Funds, Private Equity Funds and Hedge Funds. In addition it manages Equity Plan Services for leading companies in Israel such as "Bezeq", "Bank Leumi", "Bank Mizrahi-Tefahot", "Checkpoint", as well as "eBay", "Yahoo", "Wix" and "Outbrain".The group runs Venture Capital Funds that invest in Israeli tech companies in the amount of 300 million US dollars and are traded on the Tel Aviv stock exchange. Since its establishment, the group has invested in over 30 companies and has played a prominent role in the growth of several leading tech companies in Israel.Among the companies that have been bought out by corporations along with Tamir Fishman itself are "Chromatis", "Radware", "Voltaire Allot", "Coppergate", "Native Networks" and "Modem-Art".Tamir Fishman has vast experience in Investment Banking, it assisted in creating dozens of corporate financing deals for Israeli companies in amounts exceeding 5 billion US dollars. Among these companies are "Allot", "NDS", "NICE" and "Solel".