Nonprofit Organization Management - Tampere, Pirkanmaa, Finland
A non-profit student organization for business administration students in TAMK University of Applied Sciences.We have over 600 members. As an organtization our job is to promote the interests of our students and organise events. Most notable events• Hervannan Humala Hyppely - Rapidly growing student event held since 2013 was sold out and attend by over 750 students in 2016.• PISTOT -Hosted in co-operation with Tampereen insinööriopiskelijat ry and Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulun Terveysalan opiskelijat ry, PISTOT is one of the most recognized student parties in Tampere held once a month at Union work and leisure club for 7 years now. PISTOT attracts around 1 000 visitors each month.• International Excursion - Every spring we host an international excursion to Europe. The event is 4-7 days long, includes several company visits and cultural exploration. Participants receive credit for the trip. Our organization partially finances the trip for the members.• TTO Business Seminar - Held 3 years in a row now, features 3 paid speakers and an audience of over 150 members.• All together we organized over 80 events in 2017.The organization is being run by a board of 13 members that are elected year year by the members. Tampereen Tradenomiopiskelijat ry is also a local representative of Tradenomiopiskelijaliitto TROL ry.
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