Entertainment - Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
[ Knowledge management for creative-focused businesses ]Not all information is valuable. Information that adds coherency to an enterprise is 'knowledge', which must be identified, developed, protected and effectively communicated if there is to be stability and growth, efficiency optimisation or downsizing in hard times.I assist organisations to 'know what they know' by providing the following services:1. Demarcating and defining organisational knowledge:* Identification: working with managers and key stakeholders through psychographic empathy-based engagements, to understand which available information constitutes important organisational knowledge assets;* Definition: working with management to characterise intellectual and knowledge-based assets as either explicit or tacit, and to organise and prioritise these best so as to achieve and expand the organisational vision and mission;* Planning: arranging organisational knowledge into types to be codified appropriately as strategies & plans for implementation, contracts for negotiation, or workplace knowledge to build upon.2. Conceptualising and drafting codifications of organisational knowledge:* Authoritative documents:- strategic planning and policy statements;- codifications of Intellectual Property;- standard terms and conditions.* Relational documents:- stakeholder communications;- inter-organisational funding applications, project proposals etc.;- legal contracts, project partnerships, memoranda of understanding, etc.*Instructional documents:- curricula & materials for training/skills development initiatives;- intra-organisational business process and procedure statements;- staff knowledge transfer arrangements.