Hospitality - , Beijing, China
秉赋东方之礼 盛放西贵长安DISCOVERY TANGLA Hotel Beijing"唐拉雅秀"一词源自唐古拉山脉的一个美丽传说,诠释着生命与自然的和谐."唐古拉山接云天,三江源水养丰年"。耸立在海拔五千米高原上的唐古拉山雄壮圣洁,美丽富饶。冰雪融化并汇集成生生不息的三江源水,孕育了华夏灿烂文明和她的亿万儿女。成百上千年来,唐拉雅秀统领着绵延数百公里的唐古拉山脉。他巍巍昆仑守护着在这里居住的善良的人们,用潺潺流水灌溉着这片富饶辽阔的土地。北京唐拉雅秀酒店位居北京西长安街,地处首都政务金融核心区域,距金融街一步之遥,距天安门广场仅10分钟车程。拥有380间豪华客套房,设计风格融合了东方的典雅与西方的别致,大气且低调奢华。酒店独有的记忆型床垫,让每一位客人酣甜入梦。设有总面积逾2000平米的先进会议中心,包括一个大宴会厅、10间多功能厅和一个豪华董事会议厅,均配备了先进的多媒体播放设备及系统,可满足不同客人对会议及宴会需求。"Tangla" is a name from the mystical legend of Tanggula, a paradise nestled in the tranquil Qingzhang highlands and blessed by the patron saint of the Nyainqentanglha Mountains. "Tangla Hotels and Resorts International" embodies the Tanggula spirit in hospitality, exuding unique and alluring qualities that reflect Oriental charm and service excellence. For visitors from all walks of life and from the four corners of the world, Tangla is a modern Mecca for the sublimely aesthetic lifestyle and the ultimate art of hospitality, with each Tangla hotel "meeting your dreams" at your point of destination.Excellent location: Tangla Hotel Beijing located in Beijing West Chang'an Avenue, in the capital of the core areas of government and finance, only 10 minutes by car from Tiananmen Square, just few steps away from the Financial Street. Tangla Hotel Beijing hopes to spread this pursuit of life and nature of beauty from the holy snow-capped mountains to all corners of the globe, reduce to modern urban society. Tangla Hotel Beijing will gather the world guests, hopes every guest can naturally release the body and mind, enjoy the cozy and romantic of the east style.
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