Legal Services - Gurugram, Haryana, India
‘TAXXMANAGERS' is a team of qualified Advocates, Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Cost and Management Accountants and Insolvency Practitioners. Globalization has not only significantly heightened the business risks, but has also compelled Indian business houses to adopt international norms of transparency and good governance. In the light of above, we would like to say that ‘TAXXMANAGERS' recognizes the challenge of this new business reality in India. Since large corporations employ vast quantum of societal resources, we believe that the governance process should ensure that these business houses are managed in a manner that meets stake holders aspirations and societal expectations including shareholders, customers, Government and society at large, with the due compliance of all applicable laws.Compliance with not only the statutory requirements, but also voluntarily formulate and adhere to a set of strong internal and external vouch practices, with the sole intent of ensuring that companies retain a firm commitment to values and an ethical business conduct in complying with all statutory laws.