- Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Before Powerpoint presentations roamed the corridors devouring planners and pot plants with equal relish, advertising was fun. A time when talking advertising meant tackling strange and difficult problems with audacious ideas often accompanied by cheap liquor and loose AEs. In the days before green tea spritzers, we took clients to disreputable bars and cheap Italian restaurants. But today, overly hyphenated gibberish, of the sort normally associated with Shirley McLaine, has replaced conversations about the heart stopping, foot stomping power of advertising. At TBSP we still believe. We believe that advertising, when authentically engaged and beautifully rendered, changes things. Things like profits and perspectives, sales and soccer tournaments, mind share and mind sets. We believe that our responsibility as commercial thinkers extends beyond our clients to embrace our communities, our country and our continent. We believe that the mess and madness of the human truth far surpasses awards annuals as a source of inspiration. At TBSP we live, we laugh and we love what we do. It is where the simple grace of ordinary people yield the greatest ideas, and where advertising is still fun.