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Waikato's regional economic development agency, Te Waka, exists to make a difference for people in the Waikato region through action and impact-focused economic development. On 30 August 2018 we announced our official name, Te Waka: Anga whakamua Waikato (Waikato moving forward). We strongly acknowledge all the work and research that enabled the birth of Te Waka. There's been a lot of hard work invested by many good people and organisations and we're proud to pick up the baton and become the front door to the region. We're responsible for delivering on some high-level objectives for our region:1. Lift economic performance across the Waikato region2. Attract, retain and grow investment, talent and business across the region3. Champion and provide one voice for economic and business needs and opportunities across the region.To make a difference for the people of our region, we'll work hard, and quickly, to get some major initiatives underway. To do this, we'll be:-Getting some major initiatives underway that will have a measurable impact on our region's people.-In front of government, funders and investors to fight for our fair share of economic investment.-Delivering the work done for many years by Waikato Innovation Park's Business Growth Services. This team works with NZTE and Callaghan Innovation to boost our region through business growth.
Microsoft Office 365
Microsoft Azure Hosting