Sports - , , is a free website to help manage and keep track of the players on your hockey team. It will automate much of the hassle of organizing each game and will help prevent being short or having too many players. This website is useful for both adult and kids teams of any sport. Here are some highlights: - automatically send email reminders out to all player and find out who is coming and who is not coming to your next game - set minimum for skaters and goalies - if minimum levels are not reached, optionally send email to spare skaters and spare goalies - set maximum skater and goalies limits to prevent having too many - optionally set email address of goalie rental service and automatically send email if not enough goalies have signed on - team manager is notified if someone changes status It is quick and easy to set up a team, create your schedule and add your players. Once that is completed let the website do the work for you.
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