Environmental Services - Harare, Harare Province, Zimbabwe
Technon International is a private limited company registered in Zimbabwe under the Zimbabwe Companies Act, CAP 24:03:1996. It was founded in April 2003 to provide technical services mainly in the calibration, maintenance, servicing and repair of measuring and test equipment. Its calibration laboratory`s Quality Management System is going through accreditation to ISO 17025 with Southern African Development Community Assessment Series (SADCAS). Pursuant to its growth strategy, Technon International has over the years expanded its scope of services to; Occupational Hygiene and Environmental monitoring, surveying parameters such as dust, illumination, noise, vibration, heat stress, ventilation, hazardous chemical storage compatibility surveys, ergonomic surveys, boiler, furnace, vehicle and incinerator emissions tests. The advent of management systems created another growth avenue for Technon International. Its scope in this regard includes consultancy in development and implementation, training and auditing of Environmental, Quality and Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems to the requirements of ISO 14001, 9001 and OHSAS 18001 respectively. The services above have seen Technon International undertaking big international projects in Occupational Hygiene monitoring for all Namibian Power stations (NAMPOWER) in both Namibia and Angola, and in Zambia at Zambia Bureau of Standards. Subsequent to this footprint, Technon International has set up operations in Namibia under Technon Investment CC.