Pharmaceuticals - Lisbon, , Portugal
Founded in 1969, Tecnifar is a family owned, 100% portuguese capital Pharmaceutical Company. During its first period of activity, ranging from 1969 to 1986, Tecnifar belonged to a Group of Companies which comprised also Luso-Fármaco and Medicamenta. In 1986 Tecnifar became completely autonomous. In the decade 90 two side companies were born into the main company, Tecnifar S.A.: FARGIN and FARMALUX which together have now come to be known as the Tecnifar Group. Operating in Portugal, Tecnifar produces (in an outsourcing regime with a local company LusoMedicamenta) and sells its own off-patent pharmaceutical forms and also commercializes patented medicines covered by license agreements from major R&D companies, such as MSD, AstraZeneca, Menarini, Angelini, UCB, J.Uriach, Polichem and HRA Pharma. Tecnifar's portfolio is mainly comprised of prescription drugs for CNS (epilepsy, bipolar disease, schizophrenia, Parkinson's, depression & anxiety, pain), Cardiology (cholesterol, hypertension and platelet inhibition), Respiratory (allergy and asthma treatment, antibiotics) Rheumatology (NSAIDS, osteoporosis), Woman's Health (emergency contraception), among other fields. Since 2006 Tecnifar has been investing in basic research in bacteriophage therapy in partnership with a portuguese biotech company, Technophage.Dec 2010 - Tecnifar ranked 27th in the IMS, and 3rd among the Portuguese companies. Turnover in 2010 was > € 27 million.
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