Nonprofit Organization Management - Sangareddy, Telangana, India
TEDx is an annual event where some of the world's leading thinkers whohave dreamt of great ideas are invited to share their story. TEDx is anindependently organized non profit event that affords the sameprofessionalism and zeal in bringing together and leaving animpression of powerful ideas on the world. In a TED Talk, on a smallernote, on a local scale. At a TEDx event, speakers and TED Talks Videos areamalgamated into a day long feature that is aimed at sparkingdiscussion and insights within a small group.TEDxIITHyderabad is an annual programme aimed at educating,inspiring and connecting great minds. In this edition, we are making asmall effort to leverage our thoughts through self-motivated individualsrevisiting their journeys along with us, with this year's theme- Visions Of Time.