Consumer Services - Niš, , Serbia
Tehno i oprema Inženjering Niš – kompanija koja se na tržištu pozicionirala još 1994. godine – pruža svu podršku u izradi tehnologije kuhinja po najvišim standardima kvaliteta, sa ugradnjom opreme vodećih svetskih proizvođača, a sve u cilju najbolje funkcionalnosti kuhinja. Kompanija se bavi bavi konsaltingom i projektovanjem tehnologije kuhinje, tehnologije vešeraja, lokalne protivpožarne zaštite, kao i prodajom opreme renomiranih svetskih proizvođača, ugradnjom i dugoročnim servisiranjem iste.U skladu sa odgovarajućim prostorom, planski i funkcionalno implementira sve kuhinjske elemente koji su neophodni za profesionalno bavljenje pripremom hrane, nudeći čitav set usluga – počevši od idejnog rešenja pa do samog realizovanja ideje, uz sugestije i savete za najadekvatnije prilagođenu tehnologiju proizvodnje hrane zahtevima korisnika, u skladu sa najvišim standardima bezbednosti hrane (HACCP)._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Tehno i oprema Inženjering Niš - a company that has been on the market since 1994 - provides all support in the development of kitchen technology to the highest quality standards, with the installation of equipment from leading manufacturers, all with the aim of the best functionality of kitchens.The company is engaged in consulting and design of kitchen technology, laundry technology, local fire protection, as well as the sale of equipment from renowned world manufacturers, installation and long-term servicing of the same.In accordance with the appropriate space, systematically and functionally implements all kitchen elements necessary for professional food preparation, offering a range of services - from conceptual design to the realization of the idea, with suggestions and advice for the most adequate food production technology to customer requirements, in accordance with the highest food safety standards (HACCP).
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