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Project Coordinator - Customer Experience & Social Media Analysis
Tehrkot Media is about Photographic Discovery ... mining the world's public domain resources for historic imagery, cataloging and enhancing our finds, and curating these discoveries across a number of digital properties.We also work on website and brand development with a focus on non-profits, small businesses and rural small towns, in an effort to help them expand their online footprint, increase their following and expand their customer base.You might ask ... What's a Tehrkot? Well, we named the company after Tarcote Swamp (pronounced TEHR-kote), a tributary of the Black River in lowcountry Clarendon County near Manning, South Carolina. The name dates from the Revolutionary War, when Francis Marion's men were chasing Redcoats through the swamp. The story handed down is that one of the British escapees tore his coat, leaving a part on some briars and thorns - thus the original name Tear Coat Swamp, through the years variously pronounced and spelled Tare Coat, Tarcote, Tarcoat, and now often Tar' Coat (with the ar as in air).