Semiconductors - , ,
Since its found in 1985, Teknix Co., Ltd. has concentrated its keystrengths on high-tech measuring equipments, automatic inspectionsystem and automatic control systems, aiming to becoming the leaderin the machine vision field in Korea.With this strong foundation, we were approved as the developedhigh-technology company (Certificate of Venture Company) from thegovernment, and now widely known as a developer and manufacturerof high-tech machine vision inspection system, and also as a majorsupplier of vision components in the Korean market.At Teknix Co., Ltd. each and every executive and staff memberconcentrate on meeting customers' needs and promoting our partner'sgoods efficiently. We are capable of representing our partners throughour strong sales network we established for more than 20 years. Also,we are able to comprehensively perform every aspect in machinevision field, from offering R & D services in system integration toproviding technical support.
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