Computer & Network Security - Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
The company name Telaverus is a combination of the Latin Tela, for "a web, in weaving" and Verus for "truth".~ SIEM and Vulnerability Assessment, exploit and hardening (IDS & IPS) with Elasticsearch, Kibana, Splunk, Snort, Falco, Wireshark, Nessus, Trivy, Nmap, Netcat and Socat.~ Exploitation: Metasploit, Searchsploit.~ Web Application Security Assessment: sqlmap, BurpSuite, BeEf~ Operating Systems: Kali Linux, Security Onion, Ubuntu, Windows, OSx~ Database Implementation/Admin: Oracle NetSuite, SQL Server, MySQL~ Programming: Python 3, Bash shell scripting, PHP, Objective C, SQL, PL/SQL, T-SQL~ Cloud/DevOps: Elasticsearch, Kibana, Splunk, Docker, Docker-compose, Ansible and Azure cloud network administration.~ Reconnaissance: Recon-ng,, Domain Dossier, firewalk, WafWoof~ Cryptography: md5sum, sha256sum, OpenSSL, Aircrack-ng, Hashcat, John the Ripper, Hydra.~ Digital Forensics: Autopsy • Back-end Website Development (ASP.NET C#, PHP, MySQL, Perl, JavaScript, jQuery)
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