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Telecom Learning Centre is a platform for Telecom learners, trainers, instructors and educators to get together with the single mission of Building Telecom Knowledge. TLC is a concept promoted and supported by LIDO, providers of Telecom Education since 1984.As pioneers in Telecom Education, LIDO has long acknowledged that ICT is reshaping communications, commerce, education and society as we know it.The Challenge of the New Millennium: In a world that is driven by ICT, the 2.0 ecosystem is impacting every industry. For the first time, there are 5 generations present as learners and as part of the workforce. And facing a crisis in knowledge transfer between them.The Neo-millennials, or digital natives, present a new challenge, demanding new approaches to education, learning, and working environments. One of the greatest challenge facing higher education worldwide is how to deal with the large variety of "new" students. High-schoolers who use IM to contact teachers, Gen-Xers whose idea of training is just-in-time learning, Baby boomers who are turning to eLearning to achieve some semblance of work/life balance.TLC with its multi dimensional offerings in Telecom Education such as eLearning, Virtual Labs, podcasts, workshops, books, etc., is a unique platform geared to serve every generation and variety of telecom learners worldwide.