Mining & Metals - , ,
TELLUS Geotechnical specializes in the design of mining facilities including dams, landforms, waste rock piles, heap leach pads, and soil cover systems for initial design or remediation of existing sites. TELLUS geotechnical has experience in the inspection and remediation of existing dams and levees and dams (tailings and water), and TELLUS is familiar with design criteria in Canada, Europe, and Australia. TELLUS specializes in geotechnical modeling including unsaturated flow modeling (for the design of cover systems for tailings and landfills), slope stability and seepage analyses, consolidation and settlement analyses, and thermal modeling for design on frozen soils. Software expertise: VADOSE/W, FLAC, SEEP/W, TEMP/W, SIGMA/W, QUAKE/W, UNSAT-H, Hydrus-2D, and HELP