Management Consulting - , ,
‘Relentless innovation in Healthcare'Tenatio is a boutique consultancy focused exclusively on crafting, incubating and scaling up innovative healthcare solutions for the Emerging Markets on behalf of pharma, providers, governments, financial co's and telco's. We believe that sustained impact on outcomes in these markets requires a shift from a singular treatment mind-set to a broader model integrating other critical elements. These elements cannot be provided by one industry – success rests on successful cross-sector partnerships. We root out and tackle head-on the critical issues at stake, ranging from an individual's basic ability to access and afford care, to limited payment transaction options, a highly fragmented care system, and an often dangerously low doctor-patient ratio. We focus on:• Reinventing healthcare delivery systems to tackle root causes • Enabling clinicians to treat to better outcomes through simulations and play, addressing acute skill shortages• Connecting pharma, providers, gov., financial co's and telco's in novel partnerships to improve access to care• Empowering patients and clinicians to improve disease management Key credentials:-• Proprietary ‘insight' platform, using technology and high powered analytics to rapidly discover and quantify healthcare issues and incubate solutions in real time• Integrated packages of financing and patient care• Custom built user experience solutions and gamification integrating complex disease, diagnostic and treatment information • Expertise across multiple acute and chronic diseases • Linked into >20 nationwide disease-specific networks • Exclusive Emerging Market partner to TRx Care - access to global digital expertise and enabling rapid deployment at scale • Global carrier-grade mHealth cloud platform and modular services across web and mobile • Platform HIPAA and SAS70 compliant