Hospital/Clinic - Kingston, ON, CA
At TEND we offer resources and training to address the complex needs of high stress, trauma-exposed workplaces. We TEND to everyone on the team – front line workers, supervisors and managers and support staff, all of whom need concrete, evidence-informed tools and strategies to empower them and their organizations. We want to help you be healthy, effective and engaged.Our approaches are built upon the work of Co-Executive Directors, Dr. Patricia Fisher, a Clinical Psychologist and Trauma Specialist, and Franҫoise Mathieu, a registered Psychotherapist and Compassion Fatigue Specialist. Together they have combined over 30 years of experience to create TEND.TEND training is available in multiple formats to ensure:Accessibility: Training formats designed to service individuals and groups either online or in-person.Sustainability: Training and resources designed to maximize the sustainability within organizations.Check out our TEND Training and find out how we can TEND to you and your organization.
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