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JobTestPrep, a fast-growing eLearning network, is all about preparing people for their future tests. More than 500,000 candidates across the globe have set themselves a goal and achieved it successfully by using our professional online practice tools. With teams of psychologists, mathematicians, statisticians, and other professionals in the field of psychometrics and education, TestPrep makes sure that our customers get a top product: practice tests that simulate actual exams, backed up by a wealth of learning tools, all served through an interactive and engaging online experience.From the get go, TestPrep has provided preparation services for tests whose creators claimed to require no preparation in advance. "Industry Experts" such as test publishers, recruiters, and test administrators tell candidates, "On the day of the test, just be yourself." We knew then and still know now that this is bad advice. Our motto is "To provide candidates with a clear advantage on their tests when competing with other candidates." Our customers' success stories prove to us that we are doing the right thing each and every day.With local operations in five countries—USA, UK, Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain—TestPrep reaches a diverse audience, with personal success stories from around the globe. TestPrep operates under two brands: JobTestPrep for employee candidate exams, and TestPrepOnline for educational tests.
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