Sports - Milan, Lombardy, Italy
Tetractis creates and provides multichannel services related to sports and entertainment. Born in 1997 to meet the strong need of Web contents and Data Bases, Tetractis is now collaborating with the most important Italian Media: newspapers and sports magazines, radio, televions, web portals, editorial groups, sporting federations and associations, brands related to sports and TLC. Some references? Rai, Sky, Mediaset, Gazzetta dello Sport,, La Stampa, Tuttosport, Corriere dello Sport, Il Giornale, Ducati and many others. Our editorial staff follows International games and events in real time during all the year, covering different sports – the Olympics, world or continental and national championships and cups. Tetractis is now the editor of a new national portal about rugby, which will follow minor categories – Tetractis mantains a very big quantity of historical data and information, thanks to a partnership with Eidon Srl - a very innovative lab that provides Information Technologies services. The high quality technological consultancy of Eidon guarantees the right presence on the most advanced platforms and channels. Eidon creates Data Bases, Search Engine, System Integration, E-Commerce and web based applications for mobile devices and tablets, available on Apple Store and Android Market.