Higher Education - Lubbock, Texas, United States
For over 90 years, the Department of Geosciences at Texas Tech University has been dedicated to educating future geoscientists for employment in industry, government, and academia. Founded as the Department of Geology in 1926, geophysics was added in 1956, along with atmospheric sciences in 1969 and geography in 2011. These programs form a robust group of earth scientists providing high-value research to the scientific community and industry, while educating future earth scientists. Programs include BA degrees in Geography and Geosciences; a BS degree in Geosciences with concentrations in Geology, Geophysics, and Environmental Geology; MS degrees in Atmospheric Sciences, Geography, and Geosciences; and a PhD in Geosciences. Research interests among our 29 faculty members include; sedimentology, stratigraphy, biostratigraphy, vertebrate paleontology, clay mineralogy, heat flow, basin analysis, mantle seismology, structural geology, tectonics, igneous petrology, mineralogy, stable isotope geochemistry, aqueous geochemistry, remote sensing, planetary geology, mineral geochemistry, spatial-temporal analysis, social urban and economic geography, physical geography, geomorphology, arid land studies, aeolian processes, geographic information sciences, land use changes, numerical weather predictions, aerosol effects on climate and health, thunderstorm electrification, dynamics of convective storms, wind flow and boundary layers in hurricanes and thunderstorm outflows and tornado genesis. Please take a moment to browse our website to see all the opportunities we offer.