Consumer Goods - Shanghai, Shanghai, China
We help entrepreneurs and SMEs in the retail / consumer-goods segment to navigate the complexity of a Global Supply Chain. With ‘boots on the ground' in China and access to experts across a variant of key business function, we help our clients unlock new values across their organization. Our fundamental difference is TRANSPARENCY. And we take the extra time to do things right and inform our client across the entire process. We have a unique goal to make ourselves obsolete in the job we're hired for - leaving our client empowered - this way we can tackle the next big challenge together.Ultimately, we are not just a sourcing agent or a product consultant. We are team-member, strategists, coach, and sounding-board. SERVICES: 1. PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: assortment planning/ portfolio management, product design*, production feasibility assessment, brand and packaging design*, cost analysis, quality considerations, regulatory compliance & risk assessment *, launch preparation, photography*, creative marketing content* 2. SUPPLIER RESEARCH & SELECTION: source suppliers, provide shortlist, preliminary validation, integrating sustainability*, prototype sampling and redesign, price validation, detailed factory audits3. NEGOTIATION & FINALIZING DEALS: basic contract templates, negotiations (price, order quantity & terms), advice on due diligence and problem prevention, final supplier selection.4. QUALITY CONTROL: basic compliance concerns, compliance and product safety checklist*, quality standard checklists, self-inspections, online and final quality inspection5. LOGISTICS*: shipping, customs clearance, payment management6. Product Evolution & Follow-Through: dispute management & troubleshooting, product revisions, complimentary product ideas, further assortment development* Items marked with asterisk are not offered in-house, but we partner with businesses and freelancers we know personally and who share our values.
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