Health, Wellness & Fitness - Greensboro, North Carolina, United States
GREENSBORO, NC (December 10, 2010) – Greensboro businessman, Wes Wellmaker has announcedthe opening of The 21 Minute Workout, a research-based personal training studio that appliesscientifically engineered training methods to produce measurable results in minimal time. Utilizing HighIntensity Training (H.I.T.) principles, the 21 Minute Workout stimulates the body to make healthfuladaptive changes without the progressive wear and tear consequences of more traditional exercisemethods.The 21 Minute Workout is grounded in hard science based on research that began at The University ofFlorida in the early 1980's. The time-efficient, results-producing approach to exercise utilizes a brief, highintensity, infrequent training program that delivers a wealth of benefits to clients including increasedstrength, muscle endurance, improved body leanness and improved cardiovascular/cardiopulmonaryhealth.In addition, the 21 Minute Workout has been scientifically proven to elevate resting metabolism and lowercholesterol while simultaneously increasing insulin sensitivity and improving flexibility.The 21 Minute Workout's safe, low-impact regimen is based upon a technique that has been expertlyconveyed in the book, "Body by Science," which was co-authored by Dr. Doug McGuff, a South Carolina basedER surgeon and H.I.T. facility owner who consulted with Wellmaker on the development of thebusiness.