Management Consulting - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
We're obsessed with helping leaders build high-performing and thriving teams, assisting employees to understand how they fit in and bringing an organisation's purpose and strategy to life. And none of this can happen without alignment. We share a passion for alignment, building common understanding about the fundamentals of organisations (purpose, vision, values and strategic priorities), and creating environments that allow effective decision-making and communication to flourish. So joining forces as The Alignment People has been a natural progression for us. It speaks of our commitment to supporting each other as well as our client organisations. In 2020, we connected with Europe-based Lindsay Uittenbogaard who developed Mirror Mirror – an alignment diagnostic and process in one to help leaders uncover and address alignment gaps quickly. Since then, we joined the global network as the Australian licensees and trained facilitators. With Mirror Mirror we identify and measure where people are and are not on the same page across a range of cognitive and behavioural indicators, and help them to recognise issues and agree on actions. We like to think of themselves as orchestra conductors, and we know that no one individual can whistle a symphony – it takes the entire orchestra to play it. And like an orchestra, it takes teamwork, collaboration, discipline, learning, role clarity, execution, and true leadership in action to bring out the best in your team. We're insatiably curious, fascinated by ideas, and have a bias for action and simplifying the complex. With a combined 55 years of corporate communication, employee engagement, marketing, brand, and business experience, we're The Alignment People and we can help your business sing.
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