Civil Engineering - , ,
The American Association for Geodetic Surveying (AAGS) aims to lead the community of geodetic, surveying, and land information data users through the 21st century. This will require AAGS to develop new educational programs, including presentations, seminars, and workshops on topics related to geodetic surveying; and articles and papers informing the membership of the latest scientific and technological developments and how to implement them in the most cost-effective and efficient manner.The American Association for Geodetic Surveying (AAGS) pursues activities that:• Promote a better understanding of geodesy as a science• Create a better appreciation of the value of geodetic surveys and thusencourage greater use of such surveys• Promote geodetic surveys by individuals, government, and privateorganizations• Foster the adoption of uniform standards and procedures for completinggeodetic surveys• Promote the processing, publishing, and disseminating of geodetic survey data and information• Promote programs for testing, calibrating, and evaluating geodetic equipment• Further the development and implementation of the Global Positioning System (GPS) for geodetic, land surveying, and land information system applications• Inform the membership of new technical developments by meetings of theassociation and publications on related topics• Promote educational programs in geodesy, geodetic surveying, and relatedfields• Cooperate with other Member Organizations and committees of NSPS andrelated organizations, both national and international, in support of thescience of geodesy• Encourage the use of geodetic surveys and mathematical coordinate systemsin establishing Public Land Survey System (PLSS) corners• Encourage the use of geodetic surveys and mathematical coordinate systems