Individual & Family Services - San Francisco, California, United States
Are you: * Frustrated by family meals, basic cooking chores, and the thanklessness of your child's limited palate? * Caught in daily parental battles around food, or frustrated because your child only eats five things?* Using food as a parenting tool (for reward and/or punishment) or resorting to bribery to get your child to eat?* Confused about nutritional advice?* Not sure about how to introduce solids to your infant? * Stressing out about sugar and "junk" food?* Worried about your child refusing to eat, eating "too much," or not being able to sit still during meals?* Feeling like a short-order cook, or at a loss for what and how to cook?You are not alone. Picky eating is normal, and parenting a picky eater can be extremely frustrating. All children have an inner intuitive eater, and it is our job to guide them, but the stresses of parenting and the demands of our busy lives can be overwhelming, so meals have become one of the most stressful times of the day.Using a child-centered, non-judgmental, and compassionate approach I can help you work towards stress-free mealtimes and help your child become a more adventurous eater. Picky kids of all ages can and do learn how to expand their palates. If they are unable to do so there may be underlying reasons that I can help you identify. My goal is to help your family find a sense of connection around the dinner table so that mealtimes can be a grounding and happy experience for all involved.