Media Production - , Seoul, South Korea
<아시아엔>은?21세기는 '아시아의 시대'. 아시아를 귀하 곁에 가까이 두고 싶으시지요? 아시아기자협회 베테랑 기자들이 만드는 <아시아엔>이 생생한 현장으로 귀하를 안내합니다.Based on AJA's network of 150 veteran journalists and opinion leaders, The AsiaN reports a variety of issues in the Asian continent from an Asian perspective, providing an alternative to Western medias. The AsiaN is an independent voice of the 21st century, focusing to broaden the horizons of Asia with unique and unparalleled contents. The last ‘N' stands for ‘Next' – the future vision of Asia, ‘News' – and ‘Network' – a meeting place for communication to provide a substantial platform to make the Asian peoples' dreams come true.
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