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The Baristas is a weekly web sitcom created and produced in Pittsburgh, PA. It follows the story of Dierdre, Sam, Madison, Gary and Ben, the baristas who pour your coffee and put up with your problems at the ever-struggling Affogato coffee shop. New episodes are posted at http://thebaristas.com/ every Monday at 10 AM EST. The Baristas is a spinoff from the long-running web sitcom Something to Be Desired (STBD), which was produced in Pittsburgh, PA, and ran online from 2003-2009. STBD was nominated for a 2008 Yahoo! Video Award for Best Web Series: http://video.yahoo.com/network/100268455?v=1350163&l=3652922 In September of 2010, fans of STBD fueled the creation of The Baristas by funding a Kickstarter project to launch the show's first 13 episodes: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/justinkownacki/the-baristas-comedy-with-room-for-cream
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