Individual & Family Services - , ,
This is my Be Present Project. I woke up one day and my daughters were 6 and 4 years old. I couldn't believe all those years were already gone. I certainly didn't sleep through it all (believe me, those girls kept me up plenty of nights!) but the realization that these years were going by so fast really hit me. Hard.This was the treadmill I was on: working a demanding job well more than 40 hours a week, working a lot of nights from home, evenings consisting of quickly cooking dinner and the three B's (baths, books and bed). And, I admit that I was checking email throughout it all. I felt like I didn't have time to breathe, that I was missing so much and letting too much pass me by. I was in the moment, but not really in these moments. We get one shot at each day, to live each day to the fullest. Believe me, there are plenty of days where I don't feel like giving 100% and I don't. I was having more and more of those days. I thought to myself, I'm not only doing my family a disservice, but also myself. There had to be things I could do to step off the treadmill and take a deep breath. There had to be ways that I could be more present.Is this going to be easy? No. Changing habits is really tough and takes hard work. Will I have bad days? Of course. Will I enjoy my life more with my kids and my husband? I think yes!I do know this: living even just one day more present is the greatest gift I could give my children, my husband and myself.
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