Religious Groups - Olympia, WA, US
We are a Bible-believing, reformed, confessional church, subscribing to the Westminster Standards. Please join us for worship as we seek to keep Christ first, by hearing and obeying His word. The Bible Presbyterian Church of Olympia is associated with the The General Synod of the Bible Presbyterian Church ( From the BPC web site: We believe Reformed doctrine is historic Christianity in its emphasis upon the sovereignty of God and trustworthiness of the Bible. It was the compromise of the truths of Scripture in the early decades of the twentieth century that led to the formation of Bible Presbyterian Church. As theological liberalism moved into Presbyterian seminaries and out into the church, it became fashionable to question or reject fundamental tenets of Christianity such as the inspiration of the Bible, the virgin birth of and deity of Christ, His supernatural works, the atonement on the cross, and even His resurrection from the dead. We believe that God has raised up this denomination to take a faithful stand for the historic Christian faith and to be a light in the darkening days of compromise and apostasy. The Bible Presbyterian Church adopted the Westminster Standards in its organizing synod held September 6-8, 1938. Year after year the BPC has reaffirmed its belief in the biblical doctrines of historic Christianity that are outlined in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms.
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