Nonprofit Organization Management - Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa
The Business Book Club is an NPO founded in April 2017 by Jacques Velleman, CEO of Centred.Jacques' catch phrase is "you don't know what you don't know" His passion is to share knowledge with those less privileged with little access to books either in their schools or communities.The purpose of The Business Book Club is to inspire through knowledge. Authors showcase their latest book and the audience gets the opportunity to ask question on how to apply the knowledge in their business. Entry to events is a much loved business book, which in turn is donated to a worthy cause, currently, The Signature Library, Soweto and Masiphumelele Library, Noordhoek, Western CapeThe team consists of Jacques Velleman (Founder), Jane Collett (CEO), Bruce Mukhola, (Non Exec Director), Chantal Roos (our Support Angel), Bronwyn Petzer (our social media guru) and Bronwyn Heketh our Cape Town LeaderTBBC launched the Cape Town Chapter on 09 October 2018. This will be spearheaded by Bronwyn Hesketh (Director, Speakers Inc).A thought! "Change Your World One Book at a Time"