Education Management - , Michigan, United States
Imagine a fully integrated approach to inspiring and challenging our youth of today... aware of our problems and quickly focusing on creative solutions. Humans have entered a new era, a revolution in educational and living methodologies. We are unveiling the embryo of an integrated master plan that could solve our educational and behavioral difficulties- unifying youth and adults while building individual and community respect.We need solutions to bridge concepts and creators, chaotic experiences with order and structure. Chaos is only the beginning of the process of establishing natural order. Conflict, used wisely, evolves into harmony. Rehabilitation of undesirable behavior patterns is also a key issue in our society today, even though Webster's contains no mention of 'habilitation.' This kind of environment can facilitate behavioral modifications through programs involving wards of the court, group home populations, and low security risk inmates as a start. There will be plenty of 'jobs' within the facility to offer paths to successful rehabilitation and rejuvenation of productive life management, whereas our current social and penal systems do not really offer such remedies.Can we acknowledge that we have been going in the wrong direction? Better yet, can we accept that we have done the best we could with limited information and resources and now have better information and greater resources to affect positive change? SOLO International Academy offers solutions today that will change the patterns of problems of today by offering habilitating healthy habits for tomorrow. Please join us in this endeavor to empower our youth, now and for future generations.