Information Technology & Services - Larkspur, California, United States
The .green movement of websites and those who use them continues to grow. DotGreen Community, Inc. launched the new .green web address space on the Internet in March 2015. The San Francisco Start up was responsible for initial policies, branding, marketing and developing a sales channel for the new .green domain names. The company operated for one year after launching .green.DotGreen Community, Inc. ceased its marketing and management role in March 2016. The .green Top Level Domain is now managed by The DotGreen Registry in Dublin, Ireland and Registry Service continue to be operated by Afilias Limited. .green domain names continue to be the next big thing for branding, marketing, and community engagement for leaders in the green economy and the environmental movement and industries progressing towards sustainability. The purpose of .green domain names is three fold; A. To help global citizens; both Internet users and businesses identify the Green Economy online, B. to spread awareness and showcase own path towards sustainability and C. to raise support for the DotGreen Foundation. Those who use and visit .green websites are immediately forwarding environmental progress and social responsibility for a healthier future for all people and our planet. Go .green - using the Internet for good!See for information about the DotGreen Foundation
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