Public Relations & Communications - Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
The late Maya Angelou once said: "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."Feelings are not something everyone likes to talk about. However, if you want to be successful, your stakeholders need to feel good about you, long after they have forgotten what you said and did. Your personal and business communications—good or bad—affect how your stakeholders feel about you. It impacts project success, client retention, team morale, and shareholder satisfaction, for example, and ultimately, your business' bottom line.Communication encompasses many aspects—verbal, non-verbal, written, and unwritten. From your company logo to your social media presence, and your presentation style to the words you use—or don't use—in an email to clients. From the images you use on your website and social media, to the companies you align yourself with or sponsor, right through to how you engage with people in a meeting. It's all communicating a message of some description. And potentially, those messages may contradict each other, leaving your stakeholders confused, wary and/or not feeling good about you. With over 20 years' experience as a communications specialist, I am keen to help businesses and leaders (better) engage with their stakeholders through practical communications advice and support. Emma Boddington-Stubbs (or EBS, for short)