Nonprofit Organization Management - Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Edinburgh Tool Library (ETL) exists to support the local community. The library offers a low-cost method for borrowing tools, while providing expert advice, practical workshops and employment and help to young trainees. Working along-side their mentor, the trainee will learn about customer service, trades skills, cataloguing, IT and transferrable employment skills, as well as developing a wide network of trades people and community members to enhance their long term employment prospects whilst earning a wage. The service provided to ETL is also a valuable community resource and would be of great benefit to those who use it, up-skilling local people, teaching new skills, making often costly equipment available for public use, to improve their living and local environments. For further information, or if you want to help in some way, please email us or visit our website The ETL won the Social Enterprise of the Year award 2016 at the Buchanan Business Awards.
WP Engine
Google Apps
Google Cloud Hosting