- Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
"Moving Business through Emotion" The FaQtory's single-minded marketing communication focus is to help organizations, companies and individuals "move business". Although The FaQtory has earned a storied reputation of "painting pretty pictures," the key to their success lies in building mutually rewarding client relationships through an "integrated" marketing approach. Today more than ever, with enhanced communication technologies, including social media networking and online "viral" marketing, an holistic and dynamic approach must be considered for every dollar of creative advertising and communication spend. What worked yesterday may not actually work today, or certainly with distinctly less affect. With advancing technology options and direct consumer access to them, the marketing communication world and it's realities are evolving at transformational speeds. More than ever, campaign strategies and creative have to consider and reflect this. A dynamic and holistic marketing communication strategy may call for a number of media to work in concert with one another, or be more narrowly targeted, utilizing a very stealth and direct approach. No matter what the ultimate strategy or targeted campaign plan, some things however remain timeless and entirely predictable! These are the stories, the truths, the values, goals, aspirations and imagination inherent in each and every one of us as unique human beings. The FaQtory's empathetic understanding of these foundational human elements continues to be at the heart of its ability to deliver creative communications that truly connect with consumers in inspirational ways.
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