Design - Huntington Beach, California, United States | (949) 229-3794 | | | Four is a digital agency with the following capabilities:WEBSITESA website is at the heart of every business. A blossoming site is a beast that has to be dapper-ed up on a regular basis while maintaining a faster and more efficient backend. We approach making websites with an "anything is possible" attitude. Our past clients have ranged from e-commerce platforms to brands.APPSDo you have the next huge idea? We can make it come to life on Android, iOS, or Both. Use us to power your voice and let's make the next wild card app. We provide UI, Development, and anything else your heart can desire.CAMPAIGNSIt's time to get to know one another. Hard work and constant sharpening combined with tracking progress are the definition of a great campaign.IDENTITYGiving your idea a face is what we all come from. A vast history of identity design will paint the picture for a great product, lifestyle, or brand. Each identity system we create comes complete with brand standards and implementation for all imagery moving forward, this will in turn save you hours upon hours of sending assets to anyone working with your brand.SOCIAL MEDIAThe world is following you. Your target audience awaits the option to like your ideas and personality. We provide community management with analytics measuring what works, and what works even better. Take your following and create converting and lasting email subscribers with our audience matching approach to social communication.PARTNERSHIPSForging new friendships is the glue of The Four. We believe nothing is impossible and want to find companies that match our passion. Between dinners, inspiration meet-ups, and delivering quality results The Four kindles new permanent relationships.Let's Make Something Together.
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