Hospital/Clinic - N/A, N/A, US
Supremely high-quality ABA therapy and family engagement for individuals with autism spectrum disorders to teach independent living skills, communication, social skills, community integration, and anything important to the person and family.The words dignity and respect are thrown around loosely yet too many families and individuals receiving services end up quite frustrated with the turnover, lack of quality, and detriment to their quality of life.If the learner isn't learning, it is the teacher's job to problem solve and figure out how to teach. It is the behavior analyst's responsibility to ensure the individual receiving person-centered services is relaxed, engaged and having fun — that the family has established a mutual trust based on the evidence of data-driven progress, and that the therapist is well-trained and equipped to be ready and happy to show up every day.Anything less is unacceptable. These are people's lives on the line. Forget billable hours, get rid of supervisors who work you like a robot to meet quotas, throw away area Vice Presidents who patronize you because they only care about the money!!!What matters is the individual and family improve their quality of life through kindness, positivity, teaching communication, self-advocacy, leisure, independent living skills, community integration, as well as anything and everything that is important to them and their close ones.And that - to help others - I think is the answer to life, the universe, and everything.
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