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An apolitical Americal Fund whose goal is to break down the psychological barriers of Palestinians and Israelis to end the conflict.\\In situations of prolonged conflict individuals and societies develop deep-rooted psychological barriers that perpetuate the conflict. These psychological barriers are so ingrained that they undermine any chance for progress and keep people on both sides from taking any sort of positive action to achieve peace. Breaking down the ingrained psychological barriers is a critical and absolutely necessary step towards resolving, rather than simply managing, the conflict. Without overcoming these barriers, the majority of Israelis and Palestinians will not act, will not push their leaders forward, will not accept the contours of any possible peace plan that is presented to them and will never be able to accept the compromises that both sides need to make in order to solve the conflict.\\Through programming and partnering with organizations on the ground, the Fund for Reconciliation Tolerance and Peace identifies the greatest barriers to peace and addresses them in a systematic, holistic and strategic way.
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