Entertainment - Milan, Lombardy, Italy
The Italian Process is a semi-reality show on Facebook and YouTube that showcases and celebrates daydreamers who push themselves and their society towards a better future.The show is hosted by Armin ZadakBar and directed by Alessandro Best.---The Italian Process ManifestoBy Armin ZadakBarI'm a daydreamer. I admire and learn from other daydreamers. Daydreamers see things that others do not see. We are visual, very visual, but we see with our guts and not with our eyes. Daydreamers are believers. We believe that if we see it, we can achieve it. Even if no one else can see it.Daydreamers do not follow the norms and expectations. We are that weird friend who does things his/her own way.Daydreamers vibrate a unique vibe. We attract each other's vibes regardless of demographics or geography. Daydreamers speak a language of their own. We communicate with energy and not words.This is the process of our lives. Mine happened to be in Italy. The Italian Process.The Italian Process showcases the daydreamers, who push themselves and their society towards a better future.The Italian Process celebrates YOU. Celebrates us. The daydreams.---The show is a direct collaboration of The Armin Bar (NYC|Milan) and Best Video Production.